An organiser of international transport: IFB International Freightbridge France, founded in 1988, is part of the IFB group, created in Hong Kong in 1980, specialising in sea and air transport to and from the Far East.
Over the years, IFB has strengthened its presence with its own offices in China, Taiwan, Thailand, Philippines, Singapore, Vietnam, Malaysia, India, Indonesia, Burma, and in Europe, France, Belgium, Spain, Germany. Today, the IFB group employs around 700 people in its 41 offices.
IFB France is therefore the specialist in shipments to and from the Far East. Its experience of more than twenty years makes it an important partner of the main air and sea companies. It relies on the logistical strength of Parisnord Logistic Distribution (PLD), a sister company, which has storage, order preparation and distribution infrastructures.
IFB International Freightbridge France's offices are located at Paris Nord 2, in the heart of Roissy Charles-de-Gaulle airport.
IFB International Freightbridge France has branches in Le Havre, Lyon and Marseille. In Belgium, with Antwerp and Zeebruge for maritime and Brussels for air transport, IFB International Freightbridge Belgium is specialised in particular for free practice operations.
Address : Les Docks - Atrium 10.5 - 10, place de la joliette - BP 20601 - 13567 Marseille cedex 2