Visit to STH and GEPIFEC

Visit to STH and GEPIFEC

💡 A delegation from STM and STM Entreprise went to Le Havre on Tuesday, November 15th, 2022 to study the GEPIFEC model (Management and Operation of Border Inspection and Community Entry Posts) set up by the STH (SYNDICATE OF FORWARDERS AND CUSTOMS AGENTS IN LE HAVRE AND ITS REGION) in 2005 for the construction of a new building for health checks.

🤝 STM thanks Alain Diome, President of GEPIFEC, and Franck Soulé, General Secretary of STH, for their warm welcome and for this very rewarding visit.

🏗️ We hope that the future PCF project in Fos will receive the same support from the Port Authority and local authorities as it had in Le Havre.

GEPIFEC section on the STH website:

Report on GEPIFEC: